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Are You a Mind Reader?

If you believe you know what your partner is thinking and feeling, you could be setting yourself up for some challenges.

Making assumptions about another’s thoughts and feelings has consequences you might not be aware of...

  1. Privacy is invaded.
    It’s up to the individual to share the private part of themselves.

  2. When people assume that they know what another is thinking or feeling, they are implying they have power over that person.

    Rarely do people feel comfortable when others know something that they’re not ready to share.

  3. When someone makes assumptions, they already have a fixed idea about the situation.
    It can be difficult to move away from the initial assumption.

Making assumptions can shut down communication before it begins.

You Might Be Right.

There are people who are more intuitive than others.

The longer you know your partner, the more you’ll learn about them.

When you know something is off, ask how the day went or if they’re okay.

It’s Not All About You.

Because honest communication is important, keep in mind that you and your partner are two different people.

Even if you’re concerned about your partner, there are times you need to give them space.

There are several reasons not to insist that someone talk before they’re ready...

  1. Some people take more time to share.
    Introverted thinkers take time to mull things over.

    Extroverted thinkers have a tendency to process their feeling out loud.

  2. Family of Origin (the family you came from) communication patterns have programed you to communicate in particular ways.

    The person who came from a family who didn’t share what was happening in their lives often finds it difficult to share with their partner.

    If you or your partner grew up where it wasn’t safe to share, you’ll find it difficult to share with each other.

    When you or your partner have difficulty sharing, the one who finds it easier to share will need to be more patient as the other learns that it’s okay to share.

  3. One of you may not think sharing is important. This can create challenges.
    Some people want to know everything about their partner and feel hurt if their partner doesn’t share.
    Some people don’t notice social cues due to how the brain and its chemicals are working.
    The person who is more adept at communication needs to be patient while the other one learns.

Then again, Communication Is All about You.

You can’t control the communication patterns of your partner. You can, however, control your own communication style.

You can also control how you respond to your partner.


  1. Think back upon how you grew up. Describe how your family talked about their lives. Did they share feelings, important happenings in their lives, their schedule? How did this affect you?

  2. How do you prefer to share information? Immediately or do you need time? All of the information or just some of it? Is it difficult or easy to share?

  3. How do you feel about your partner’s way of communicating?

If you need more help finding solutions to your challenges when it comes to relationships and family. You can contact us at 904-601-1026 and we will set up a time to connect. If you like the content please like and follow our Official Facebook Page.

Jean Kerry